We started the 2021-2022 school year with a Popsicle Party, new Principal, and new Swag! Idlewild Parents, @McLean Designs, hooked us up with amazing shirts and hoodies for the year! Thank you to the parents who volunteered at every step of the way.
Classroom Superstars!
Our students and teachers have been resilient with all the changes that Covid and new learning environments have brought. The classrooms also needed new tools to help students succeed! Teacher Wish Lists have been posted and updated regularly to help fill needs in the classroom immediately!
Lunch for Teachers!
PTO and Local Restaurants provide monthly lunches to our teachers and staff! @Hueysrestaurant and @jasonsdeli have shown Up!
Beautification at Idlewild!
Safety of our students is the number one priority which is why we expanded our Handicap & Bike Parking to include safety and buffer zones. Let us know if there is a project you can help us with!
Ways YOU Can Help!
Volunteer - Send us a message and we'll have an easy way to help!
Fill a Teacher's Wish List Item