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Hey Idlewild Family, November is Here!

A huge THANK YOU goes out to everyone that supported our Fall Carnival. A special note of appreciation goes out to our parent volunteers, school staff and student volunteers from Central High School. Check out some pictures of the family fun on the Idlewild PTO Facebook page.

Because of your generous support, we raised more than $6,000 for our school improvement efforts. At the request of our administration, our first project (more to come) will be the purchase of a Buddy Bench. K-2 students will vote in the next few weeks on bench design. We hope to have the bench installed shortly after the holiday break.

Popular Youtube streamer and International Master Levy Rozman announced Idlewild Elementary as a winner for his chess scholarship program. Rozman recently created the "Levy Rozman Scholarship Fund" to help competitive scholastic chess programs pay for training, tournament fees and travel expenses. You can read more in the official announcement here:

Idlewild Elementary will host In-Person Family Data/ PTO and Book Fair Night on November 17th from 5:30-6:30 at the school. During this evening you will also have an opportunity to briefly visit your child's classroom!

Don't forget the Book Fair is November 15-19! This in-person book fair will be 7:45 - 3:30 every day next week, and a family night on Wednesday from 3:30-6:30. Please consider volunteering! This is a great way to show your PTO support.

An additional reminder about our arrival and dismissal procedures. PLEASE continue to use the Union Avenue/Rembert entrance for all car riders. For student and staff safety and as a courtesy to our Idlewild families, please refrain from turning left from Rembert onto Linden. There should be no parking along either side of Linden Ave. during arrival or dismissal as this blocks the flow of traffic through the neighborhood.

Lastly, as you are moving though the car line please be aware of any neighbors that are trying to turn into their driveways or businesses.

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